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DSI - 7001 - Velocity Marching Band Shoe - Black

DSI - 7001 - Velocity Marching Band Shoe - Black
3.00 lbs
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  • Sleeker foot shape, reducing "boxiness" (more attractive on the foot)
  • Thinner soles that will take on parades, and still be glued and sewn to the upper for strength and durability
  • Articulated sole with different "attack" and "release" surfaces for forward platform and heel
  • Tread (new) inset from slim edge, hidden from view, but functional; with water expulsion, outside turn grip, flex-points on stress areas (balls of feet), front of toes overage, flattened heel with wide "release" point for stability
  • Slimmer, more efficient "toe box" to give a more movement-oriented look and feel, but retain the shape of the shoe. with no encroachment on the top of the toes. and no restrictions at the front of the foot
  • Lower profile lacing placement for smoother look, and more laces to help shape shoe in each individual's foot
  • "Dance Shoe" lower sides, curved at back to accomodate raised, split Achilles support
  • Stabilizing stitches on tongue to avoid it wandering when putting the shoe on, or during use
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